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Confirmation Introduction

Everyone has different opinions of what makes a horse athletic these are just a few of the things that I have found I prefer.  These are all my horses (or were my horses) I am not putting any horse down or criticizing others opinions – simply trying to point out differences and how they may effect the horse.

Definitions that will be useful for our conversation.

  • Back = length of top line from point of the whither to the last rib.
  • Loin = length of the top line from last rib to point of hip.
  • Belly = length from the elbow to stifle.

Note: I am aware that the horses in many of these photo’s are very thin.  Many of the horses I get, come to me by way of public auctions and donations.   Some are fresh off the race track and very young. Often abrupt changes of feed and work, can change their physic, very quickly, for the worse.

Some of these photos are “on arrival day” pictures.  We enjoy before and after pictures to document changes  in physic that proper dressage training can induce.

And lastly confirmation is much easier to “see” on a thin horse as the main points are not covered by fat.

Each of these horses are being lovingly cared for many have already found forever homes with other owners.

So which one do you buy?  I had them all even though they are distinctly different each is an athlete in its own right.  If you are an astute student you will see one theme in most of the horses I chose.  See if you can figure it out!


Confirmation Clinic

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